
Stop being anxious and stop your worrying.

“Yeah, Jay, easy words to say but the struggle bus is real. How am I going to pay this bill, how am I going to deal with this stress at work, when will this crisis end…?” you may say to me.

I would like to remind you that God, the Great I Am, the Father of Lights who knows all and is everywhere at all times is still alive! We all need to learn to content ourselves with knowing that the LORD is already living in our futures, has seen it all, and that if you have done as Acts 2:37-38 and Rev 2:10 states, you will have a safe arrival to heaven.

If you have done these things, you can rejoice in the knowledge that your sins can be forgiven, when you repent, in Christ, that God’s grace will be sufficient each day to help you survive & thrive and that you can live out the full measure of life that God allows & that through His grace and mercy, you will make it through whatever life throws at you because He is King.

Be blessed, be a blessing and stay prayed up! —Jayly Jackson

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