Members of 1 Body

An autoimmune disorder occurs when a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks their own body. There are several disorders that fall under this category. The exact causes of autoimmune disorders are not known. Some risk factors include genetics, environmental factors and infection.

In the realm of the church, an autoimmune disorder can effect it much like the ones that can affect the physical body. The same risk factors exists.

Genetics; if you are a member of the Body of Christ, you are family…

Environmental factors; who you hang out with, how you dress (or the lack thereof), what you do, what you think, what you consume, and where you go all have an effect on your walk with God and how that all affects the church…

Infection; sin destroys, sin hurts, sin puts you on the path to hell…

While many autoimmune disorders do not have a cure, for the church, Jesus is always the answer. We just need to remember who we are and to whom we belong to…

Stay blessed —Jayly Jackson

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